Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions outlined below are what you can expect when you park at CityCenterDC and what we expect from you. We appreciate you reviewing these terms and conditions as we endeavor to enhance your parking experience.
These terms and conditions apply to both parking at CityCenterDC as well as your use of any digital parking products offered by the center. Please ensure that you read and understand these before parking or utilizing our digital parking products.
Limitation of Liability
Upon entering this facility, you are granted license to park and lock one vehicle in a designated area at your sole risk and at posted rates. CityCenterDC, along with its contractor, disclaims all responsibility from losses or damages to vehicles that are self-parked, and to their contents while parked in the garage. No in and out privileges on hourly or daily tickets. CityCenterDC, along with its contractor, utilize barcode tickets as your contract and for time keeping purposes only. This is your entire contract, and no employee may modify or waive any of its terms. By entering this facility, you agree to all foregoing terms.
Digital Parking Products: Mobile Payments – Entervo Smart Web Pay
CityCenterDC provides the Entervo Smart Web Pay application to enable mobile, cashless parking payments for its customers. If you wish to utilize the web application to complete mobile, cashless payment for your parking, please scan the QR code on your ticket, utilizing your smartphone’s camera. When opened, the QR code will take you to a secure webpage where you will follow the on-screen instructions to complete your payment and exit the parking lot.
Contact Us
You can email us at namerud@ustreetparkamerica.com or leave a message on our Parking Hotline at 202-842-4333.